Monday, July 7, 2008

Bio-fuel to replace "fuel" (food!!) for Mankind

In a quite ironic development, a report prepared by one of the biggest financial institutions blames the (great) US and EU for pushing up the food prices alarmingly - and their contribution to the rise is almost 75%.

Guess what? The culprit is the "bio-fuel" which has become far more lucrative a "crop" compared to real food grains in these areas and what the great US have to say - increase in demand in India and China is pushing the food prices and for our information, bio-fuel thing contributes only 3% to this rise.

OK, accepted. We are poor, deprived and un-deserving lot for good food. But who has blamed these two parts of the world for pushing the food prices - "The World Bank" - the global bank (funded primarily by the US again). For further details check the news from "The Guardian" - the famous UK (!!???) news agency at the following link.

One can also refer to this news from CNET which also provides a report by some of the food manufacturers.

It seems that for us the less deserving lot, bio-fuel is going to fuel us lesser mankind and guess what.... it looks very much like another middle east rising and only this time in the west.

So how many of us are going to survive on bio-fuel??

1 comment:

Buboo said...
